I don't know if my ear treatments are ever going to end.  But I have something new to report.  I can hear loud sounds.  I can't believe it.  Normal talk is still mumbled, but if you speak up, I can hear.  I can hear my new name now. I can hear cars before they are really close.  I can hear "no", and will stop whatever I'm doing before I get into serious trouble.  I'm so glad that things are improving.  

9/13/2010 01:13:57 am

I'm so glad to hear it, Maggie-and I'm sure that you are, too.

9/13/2010 01:18:12 am

to CARLEEN: Thanks, and yes, I am so glad go get the log jam loose out from my ears. The world seems so much more interesting now that I can hear sounds.


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