NOTE FROM THE LADY:  Trust has settled into our relationship.  Maggie knows that she is safe and is more familiar with the rules and schedule of our house.  We have now started exposing her to a variety of new things so she will be a well adjusted dog.  I walk directly over her dog bed.  I pet her while she's eating.  We've gone for walks in different settings.  I've waved around a yardstick, stuck my fingers in her mouth and have welcomed new people into the house.  The hard part is approaching.  She will visit the kennel for an hour or so for "doggie daycare" so she will learn that it is a fun place.  We'll visit grandma's house.  Later, she will spend the night there, too.  Being able to take lots of different things in stride makes for happier dogs, and people too.

1/26/2012 08:47:31 am

Appreciate your data

1/27/2012 04:04:32 am

good post

3/10/2012 01:34:24 pm

will return shortly


nice post

3/27/2012 01:21:15 pm

Appreciate your data


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