Sofie got a two foot long bully stick.  I've been  helping her eat it, since she is a little slow.  I got dog treats and a hairbrush.  Hairbrushes are a dumb gift, by the way.  I'm just sayin'...  
1/7/2011 05:31:27 am

I just wanted to drop a line and tell you that Sofie and Maggie are just adorable. I'm a big fan of older dogs and I just love Maggie's gray muzzle..

Take care and I wish you and your family a happy, healthy and prosperous new year and that goes for your furry girls too!


1/7/2011 05:34:09 am

I forgot to mention that I specifically like the picture with Maggie laying under the tree... very cute, and,

Sofie with her antlers on - she looked tired.

Nice pictures of your girls.


1/12/2011 01:13:53 am

Thanks for stopping by Janie. I like my grey muzzle, too.


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