Our LADY had a princess party on Friday.  Her friends came over and they all ate lady food and drank lady drinks and they watched the Royal Wedding together. Everyone got to wear a tiara.  Unfortunately...including us, too.  There's more pictures here http://theprincessparty.weebly.com/    

We visited Papa and Grammy again this week.  It was his birthday and the people celebrated with cupcakes.  We pups had Ritz crackers. Their house has a great fenced-in yard...and no one says anything when I sit on the couch!  Papa's resting up because his chemotherapy starts in a few weeks.  He was happy to get back home after his pancreatic surgery.  He is lucky that his cancer was caught early, even though we all know that there is nothing lucky about cancer.

If I could see cancer, I would bark at it harshly.   

I originally saw this posted on, Iwantmorepuppies [my Twitter friend's] blog.  Enjoy!

Posted by THE LADY:  We attended the HART walk and homecoming.  Maggie was rescued by the Homeless Animal Rescue Team and we reconnected with her rescue group.  Maggie was able to say hello to her foster mom, who took care of her for four months and helped her take off over ten pounds of extra weight.  Our family was a team in the HART walk and we donated money to help other dogs in need.  Maggie and Sophie entered the costume contest, and hung out with dozens of dogs who were offered a second chance through HART.

Maggie, Sofie and THE TALL MAN, waiting for the costume contest to commence
More than anything, I love to go for rides in the car.  I hope you take joy in something small, too.  Sofie looks really happy here, as well.  
Follow our advice: find something simple, easy and cheap to enjoy.     
NOTE FROM THE LADY:  Trust has settled into our relationship.  Maggie knows that she is safe and is more familiar with the rules and schedule of our house.  We have now started exposing her to a variety of new things so she will be a well adjusted dog.  I walk directly over her dog bed.  I pet her while she's eating.  We've gone for walks in different settings.  I've waved around a yardstick, stuck my fingers in her mouth and have welcomed new people into the house.  The hard part is approaching.  She will visit the kennel for an hour or so for "doggie daycare" so she will learn that it is a fun place.  We'll visit grandma's house.  Later, she will spend the night there, too.  Being able to take lots of different things in stride makes for happier dogs, and people too.


Sophie and I feel more relaxed when we are together.  We always have gotten along, but we don't feel like we still need to be very careful.  Last Sunday, we went to Three Dog Bakery to get some more treats.  Riding in the back of the car with her is fun.  


We still aren't playing together much.  She said she likes to run when she plays, and she is afraid she will step on me.  We are good friends on our walks and I tell her whenever there is something going on outside that we need to check out.  Sofie tells me when it's almost dinner time.