Books and television talk a lot about doing the right thing.  Sometimes this is hard, because the right thing isn't always a clear choice.  Sofie, my greyhound sidekick, is having trouble keeping up while we are out on our walks.  She has the arthritis and has trouble walking, even though she takes her gimpy puppy pills.  We don't want to leave Sofie behind when we take our walks.  No one likes being left behind.  But if she goes for a walk and struggles and is in pain... that isn't a good thing either.  Our walks are not even fast or long.  So we are going to need to keep watching her closely and to give this some more thought.  We want to do the right thing by Sofie.        
Max, the Yorkie
10/27/2010 12:10:48 am

Poor Sophie. I guess that you have already heard that getting old isn't for sissies. Hang in there, girl.


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